Oatmeal Pie!
Family Favorite's we have......

This should get you thinking about fall!
Pumpkin Bread
3 1/2 cups sifted flour
2 tsps. soda
1 1/2 tsps. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. nutmeg
1 cup oil
4 eggs
2/3 cup water
2 cups pumpkin
3 cups sugar
Sift together dry ingredients, including sugar, into mixing bowl. Make a "well" in the dry ingredients and add all remaining ingredients. Mix together until smooth. Pour batter into bread loaf pans.
Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour or until done.
Store, wrapped, in refrigerator or freeze.
This makes a very large recipe!
More pictures of our river trip!
I thought it would be my dream for a doctor to tell me to sit on the couch for another 3 weeks, read trashy books and watch TV. But I can honestly say, that I am bored out of my mind after only a week and a half.
I need to get up and clean up my house. I need to cook food for my family. I think the kids have lost weight. I know my husband has and so have I. Yes, it is my husbands cooking that's doing it to us! He is trying! Really!
Did I mention I am bored!!!!
Here are some more pictures of our trip up and down the Rock River.
Hope you enjoy!
I need to get up and clean up my house. I need to cook food for my family. I think the kids have lost weight. I know my husband has and so have I. Yes, it is my husbands cooking that's doing it to us! He is trying! Really!
Did I mention I am bored!!!!
Here are some more pictures of our trip up and down the Rock River.
Hope you enjoy!
Anderson garden pictures and I am feeling alot better.....
If you are ever in or around this area you should try and visit. It is rated somewhere in the top ten of Japanese gardens in the US.
I can't remember who told me that a total hysterectomy is like a c-section. Well they lied to me! The only things that are similar is the 6-8 slice in my stomach and it was an OB/GYN who did it to me!
After the surgery on Monday I was knocked out till about midnight. The only thing I remember is pushing a button for morphine and my family showing up! I think I was pushing the button more then it wanted to give me.
Tuesday they took my morphine toy away and made me get up and walk! Before you say anything, I have had 2 c-sections and they were a year apart from each other. Then there was that fact that I had to blow wind before they would let me eat. An all liquid diet at a hospital is not a all pleasant. I still don't know what the yellow jello wasn't lemon, I do know that.
By Wednesday the nurses had had enough of me. I would call them tell them I have to use the bathroom they would show up after I had used the bathroom . The only thing they had to do is put these leg compression torture things back on my legs. A word about those is that after having them on for the first 24 hours they feel like my dachshunds are moving around my legs.
My husband and children picked me up on Wednesday about noon and home we went! I have on the 2nd floor of my home since, per doctors orders. Tomorrow I get to go downstairs. Yea!!!!
I do have to say this about my husband, he has been absolutely wonderful. He has waited on me hand and foot since I have come home. You have got to love a man who will do that for you. He even braved the grocery store and Wal-Mart for me today. What a wonderful husband I have!!!
I would also like to thank my friend Tracey in England for sending me a wonderful get well card. You brightened my day with it!
Anyway I am feeling better, but I don't think I will be bouncing back as quick as I did 6 years ago with my 2nd c-section.
I can't remember who told me that a total hysterectomy is like a c-section. Well they lied to me! The only things that are similar is the 6-8 slice in my stomach and it was an OB/GYN who did it to me!
After the surgery on Monday I was knocked out till about midnight. The only thing I remember is pushing a button for morphine and my family showing up! I think I was pushing the button more then it wanted to give me.
Tuesday they took my morphine toy away and made me get up and walk! Before you say anything, I have had 2 c-sections and they were a year apart from each other. Then there was that fact that I had to blow wind before they would let me eat. An all liquid diet at a hospital is not a all pleasant. I still don't know what the yellow jello wasn't lemon, I do know that.
By Wednesday the nurses had had enough of me. I would call them tell them I have to use the bathroom they would show up after I had used the bathroom . The only thing they had to do is put these leg compression torture things back on my legs. A word about those is that after having them on for the first 24 hours they feel like my dachshunds are moving around my legs.
My husband and children picked me up on Wednesday about noon and home we went! I have on the 2nd floor of my home since, per doctors orders. Tomorrow I get to go downstairs. Yea!!!!
I do have to say this about my husband, he has been absolutely wonderful. He has waited on me hand and foot since I have come home. You have got to love a man who will do that for you. He even braved the grocery store and Wal-Mart for me today. What a wonderful husband I have!!!
I would also like to thank my friend Tracey in England for sending me a wonderful get well card. You brightened my day with it!
Anyway I am feeling better, but I don't think I will be bouncing back as quick as I did 6 years ago with my 2nd c-section.
Rock River.....
Outdoor Wednesday!

Welcome to Outdoor Wednesday hosted by Susan at A Southern Daydreamer! Please visit everyone, I am sure you won't be disappointed!
Another view of the zucchini patch!
Maybe not so many plants next year!
Maybe not so many plants next year!
Welcome to Foodie Friday!!!!

Foodie Friday!
Welcome to Foodie Friday hosted
by the very talented Gollum at Designs by Gollum.
Please visit everyone, they each have made something wonderful to share!
My lettuce bed before it got overgrown!
My daughters love to go out the the backyard and pick fresh lettuce
We usually have salad in a big wooden bowl that I have had for a few years.
Trying to figure out what is for dinner....

Do you think we should have Tacos?

Stuffed zucchini?
We have had it a few nights this week already!!!
I have so many zucchini growing and I am at this point trying to give them away!!!!
What do you think?
Just to let you know, I have been battling lice with my kids this summer too!!!!
No, I haven't been around...
First off, I do have to say I am sorry about not blogging lately. I have been having some issues. Female issues...... On August 3 they will be taking out my uterus through a big incision on my stomach. I have had 2 c-sections and they don't have a choice on that one.
I have been sooo incredibly tired all of the time. They have put me on iron pills and hormones and I still just want to sleep the day away.
My dad flew in June 22 and so did my in-laws. I am afraid that their trip here this time was a little boring! They just watched me sleep alot.
I did get pictures and I will post those over the next few days!
I have been sooo incredibly tired all of the time. They have put me on iron pills and hormones and I still just want to sleep the day away.
My dad flew in June 22 and so did my in-laws. I am afraid that their trip here this time was a little boring! They just watched me sleep alot.
I did get pictures and I will post those over the next few days!

Tracey at tracey-crafty scraps has tagged me! I have to list 6 unimportant things that make me happy, which is harder than you think, because if it makes you happy then surely it's important!
What makes me happy is:
1. The first cup of coffee in the morning!
2. Reading a good trashy vampire book in my jammies.
3. A clean house.
4. Reading the paper on my front porch.
5. The first snowfall (that is the only snow I enjoy!).
6. Sewing.
Now I have to pass this onto 6 other people. I am soooo sorry about this, but I need 6 people to pass this onto!!!!
1. Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer
2. Amy @ bubble blog
3. Manuela @ The Pleasures of Homemaking
4. Christine @ Christine's Home and Travel Adventures
5. Barb @ Bella Vista
6. Terri @ Lakewood Manor
What can I say?
I have been a busy slug!

And a birthday party for my girls, which included cleaning all 3 floors of the house and laundry.
Now I am getting ready for the grandparents (my in-laws and my dad) invasion a week from today. Again, it's the cleaning and trying to do all the laundry. We won't say anything about me reading trashy vampire books for a few hours every day.
I am going to try and keep up with everyone and try blog every day, or at least everyday. I do want to say sorry for being such a slug about blogging...... even my husband has commented on it!
Foodie Friday and What I have Been Doing!
It's Friday and more!!!!!

Foodie Friday!
Welcome to Foodie Friday hosted
by the very talented Gollum at Designs by Gollum.
Please visit everyone, they each have made something wonderful to share!
I made something simple this week as I am tired from trying to catch up with everything still!
And I had The Husband cut up a cantaloupe.
Simple dinner tonight.
Othe things that I have been up to is planting my garden that I had to put off a bit because of the garage sale.
I planted this one recently. I just hope it will last through this coming winter. Your have to remember that we reached -26 degrees this past winter. I lost 3 rose bushes to that!
I have planted lettuce, bell peppers, eggplant, pumpkins, green beans, acorn squash, zucchini, onions, cucumbers and a perennial garden.
I am back for Foodie Friday!
Who doesn't love Friday!!!!

Foodie Friday!
Welcome to Foodie Friday hosted
by the very talented Gollum at Designs by Gollum.
Please visit everyone, they each have made something wonderful to share!
This is one of my favorites that I have been making for the past 20 years!
I never make it the same way twice either!
I never make it the same way twice either!
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One very happy puppy!
Family Favorite!
Anyone for dessert?