
More pictures of our river trip!

I thought it would be my dream for a doctor to tell me to sit on the couch for another 3 weeks, read trashy books and watch TV. But I can honestly say, that I am bored out of my mind after only a week and a half.
I need to get up and clean up my house. I need to cook food for my family. I think the kids have lost weight. I know my husband has and so have I. Yes, it is my husbands cooking that's doing it to us! He is trying! Really!
Did I mention I am bored!!!!

Here are some more pictures of our trip up and down the Rock River.
Hope you enjoy!


  1. Hi Susan, your pictures are lovely.

    Come over and join the Rooster Party. I would love to have you and I know you must have a rooster....right?!

    Take good care of yourself.

    Barb :-)

  2. Very nice pictures, Susan. I hope your recovery continues nicely and that you are back to your old self (or new and improved!) very soon.

    Stop by my blog and say hi when you get the chance☺

  3. Nice photos, I bet you are really fed up! Who's controlling the kid's and dogs? Hope you are fighting fit very soon. xxxxxxxx

  4. What a beautiful and serene setting, Susan! Hope you are feeling better!...Christine


Thank you for visiting with me and I love reading everyone's comments.

One very happy puppy!

Family Favorite!

Family Favorite!

Anyone for dessert?

Anyone for dessert?