
A recipe I have been looking for!

For a few years now I have been looking for a recipe to cook Baked Beans. Finally found it when I was in the Dr.s office with one of the girls. Flipping through a magazine and there it was. Yes, I ripped a few pages out of the Dr.'s magazine, don't tell anyone!
Decided to try it!
This is one of those that has to cook in the oven for 5 hours and you have to check it every hour.

But it was worth it in the end!

Of course I tweaked it! I wouldn't be me if I didn't tweak it!

Started off with this....

and ended up with this!

I forgot to take a picture of it before the family got into it!
It was very yummy!

I found this award at Shirley's blog. Her blog is wonder and please visit her!

For this award there are no rules. You can just accept this award or you can nominate others! I am I sharing this with anyone who visits me because I think anyone who visits me deserves it!


  1. Thank you! What happened to the photo you were supposed to email me?!

  2. Susan,
    My mother used to make beans this way. I remember how good it smelled when they were cooking. This one feels like home. Hope your having a good weekend! Cathy

  3. I love baked beans. Now I am hungry!!. Kathy

  4. Susan, your beans look great. Glad you found the recipe. Isn't it frustrating when you can't?!



Thank you for visiting with me and I love reading everyone's comments.

One very happy puppy!

Family Favorite!

Family Favorite!

Anyone for dessert?

Anyone for dessert?