We had such a mess in the house and it is still a mess!

Cant find anything right now!
I have had a very busy few day!
Friday I had to go shopping! It was stock up day, which meant I had to go to Valli Produce, Wal-Mart, Sams Club. I also had to go to Kohls, Target, Michael's (I will show that in another post), a thrift store (couldn't miss that!), 2 carpet places to get estimates and World Market. I was a very tired women by the end of the day! It didn't help that I had bought the first 2 books in the Twilight series and got hooked into them!
Saturday I had to go pick up some garage sale donations for the high school, the carpet place to place the order the carpet, go to Target again and Lowes! I got hooked into the books again.....
Sunday we had to move things out of the bedrooms for the carpet.
Monday my battery on my van wouldn't start. I had my last Dr.'s appt. for Bob, we had the carpet people putting in carpet and started putting everything back.
Tuesday my battery wouldn't start on my van again, so off to Wal-Mart to get it fixed. I also bought the last to books in the series while I was there and got hooked again! Anyway, after they put in a new battery I had to go over to the other Wal-Mart and get something my husband wanted. At home I was putting things back in the rooms and the kids had ice skating and tai kwon do in the evening. And got hooked into the books again!
Wednesday I was putting stuff away still from the carpet and I finished the last book in the series! I did enjoy the series too!
Today I have the girls home today. One doesn't have school and the other is tossing her cookies! Yuck! I will be cleaning and doing laundry today and I will catch up with everyone tonight for Foodie Friday and I received and award from Tracey which I will post tonight!