As some of you know, we are selling our house. Our realtor had a professional stager come in and go through our house. I know they are trying to help....... but we do have to live here!
So far.... She doesn't like my red bathroom, my curtains (don't know in which rooms), the hutch in the kitchen, my grandfather clock in my dining room, the bookcase in the living room, the family pictures in the stairwell (yes, I know you should remove them, I did that in our last house we sold) and the chairs at the end of my bed. But she like my paint colors through out the houses I forgot to mention that they didn't like my husbands roll-top computer desk in the living room (husband is a professional computer programmer. You don't tell one of those that he has to get rid of or move his computer desk and still get your iPad when it comes out).
She also thinks I should pack away more of my crap. She doesn't know how much crap I did pack away!
I wonder what she is going to say about my big old 27 inch mac on my desk in the craft room (which is no longer a craft room, but an office for me. All of the craft has been packed away.)
I say if they want to buy the house then they won't care about all that other crap!
We do have to live here with 3 kids who make a mess every 5 seconds, 3 dogs, 2 birds and a ferret. Don't forget the husband who believes in cleaning fairies.........
The house hunt on the other side...... We made an offer on a house that has been on the market for 2 years. They don't like it, so we will probably move on to another house. I am thinking of a 5 bedroom with 3900 square feet. That is going to be fun to clean! But, my goal is to get lost in the house and not be found for at least 10 minutes!
We all have our dreams....... That's mine!