Christmas Morning!
I think everyone, including the animals enjoyed Christmas!

Humphrey and his new squeeky toy!

Mimi opening all of her presents at once!

Wizzie and her new American Girl doll Mia!

Nick found his favorite present!
(notice the Stewy slippers?)

Daddy trying to figure out how to put things together for the kids already!
*****************************************************************A few pictures of our Christmas decorations!

Every tree needs a cow!

The living tree....

The Den tree......
Maybe we could use another tree?
I have more ornaments in the basement!
***************************************************************Christmas Eve!!!!
Over the last few days we had more then a few inches of snow. On our way to 5:00pm Mass on Christmas Eve, I was backing out of our driveway and bam, I hit the car that was parked directly behind our driveway. We ended up late for mass and sitting on the sides inside the church. Something always happens on Christmas Eve. Sprained ankle one year, moving another year, hitting a car this year!
After that we went our local park to look at the pretty Christmas lights and came home to wait for Santa to show up. It was about 11:00pm when the girls went to bed and Santa came. He left about 2:00am. We had a very long visit with him this year!

The stocking were hung.....

The presents under the tree.....
And one very tired Santa and his elf!
Mimi's Christmas Concert!

Mimi had her Christmas program and she was wonderful. The little boy on the left of her has told his mommy that he plans to marry Mimi!

My little girl is growing up.......
Nick's Christmas Concert!

Every year the Guilford Music Department puts on a concert at the Mall. There are usually 4-5 groups of students that play for 15-20 minutes at a time.

Here is Nick playing Christmas music in the band.
(sorry about the red eye!)